C1 Gaming

Wednesday 18th September 2024 

Do Now:2/2

  1. Magazines, games, Tv, Music, Radio, Newspaper, Film                                                                        
  2. Phone, Computer, The internet, I-pad

Video Games

L/O: To explore the history and context of video games

decade:                                 game:                                                     features:

1970s:                   first, FPS game was made         a labyrinth/Maze made of wire frame graphics

1980s:                 First arcade game PacMan                  best selling arcade game of all time

1990s:               Sonic the Hedgehog Sega icon     little blue guy with blazing speed and edgy personality

2000s:               Steam, biggest gaming platform       allows players to play download and update games

2010s:            Minecraft, most sold game in the world       RPG block game infinite possibilities 

Uses and Gratification Theory:

  • The theory states that an audience will use media form for either one of four reasons:
      1. Personal identity
      2. Information
      3. Entertainment
      4. Social interaction

Base line test:

  • The theory for why people play video games by Blumer Katz include Personal identity, information, entertainment, social interaction. Blume and Katz say Entertainment might make you play a video game to entertain themself E.G Minecraft infinite possibilities to build survive and play various custom games They say Personal identity might make you play a game to get personal identity for example Sims in Sims u create ur own person start a life a build a family. Another thing they say is Social interaction might make people play a game to interact with people Roblox is a good example with many hangout games and the ability to join ur friends in any game at any time Finally they say Information could make you play a game to gain information for example Duolingo or any leaning game Conclusion i think that Blumer and Katz Gratification theory is very real in todays gaming industry most games these days include more than 1 of these theory sometimes them all 
    18/9- Excellent application of the theory. T: 3. try to answer in full sentences and build an argument to respond to the question.

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Do Now

  1. PIES 
  2. Personal identity ✓
  3. Information ✓
  4. Entertainment ✓
  5. Social interaction ✓

Case Study: Fortnite

L/O: to research the case study and explore the context of video games

  1. PS5, Nintendo, Xbox, Wii, PC ect.
  2. cheap and easy to play
  3. it has increased 
  4. in game purchases
  5. VR it means u are basically in the game and that can be way more fun
    1. a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view.

18-34 years = 36% Of people who plays games

Research Task:

  1. Epic Games
  2. Since 2017
  3. 32 Billion
  4. rocket racing, Lego Fortnite, and Fortnite festival
  5. Battle royale survive a moving storm and be the last man standing
  6. action
  7. youtube
  8. a lot
  9. free to play, very repeatable, online
  10. entertainment and social interaction

epic games

  • in the Guinness book for most successful game engine
  • was originally run from his parents house
  • did it on a website to encourage users to do so 

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

do now  5/5
  1. Epic games
  2. 1991
  3. action   battle, gun, build game
  4. Personal identity Information Entertainment Social interactions 
  5. a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view.

Do violent video games make people more violent

L/O: To explore the context of video games

Prince harry - Harry thinks its Addictive and keep u in-front of the screen, he thinks it should be banned, and its a official disorder being addicted to gaming. Personally i agree with the addictive part because gaming realises good hormones which makes people addicted

Healthcare triage - 
The main points from this video are that there is no link between violence and video games and that violence only impacts thoughts

I think this ideas is very true

Media insider - Banjuras copy cat theory is that some kids watched a adult hit a doll and then the kids would be in a room with that doll the kids then hit the doll this theory links to video games and copying from them. But i disagree with this because kids are more likely gonna do things an adult will an it a video not a game

i believe video games do NOT makes violence but can make u have violent thoughts the main points for violence in video games creating violence are violent thoughts

1 comment:

  1. 18/9- Excellent application of the theory. T: 3. try to answer in full sentences and build an argument to respond to the question.


course structure

 Friday 13th September 2024 LO: to understand the structure and content of the course